Thursday, June 24, 2010


The economy of good materials has been demonstrated since the beginning of art. Investment in quality is advised not only because good materials last longer, but particularly because they permit of much better work. The artist may exercise plenty of latitude in the selection of types of materials, but he must not compromise on quality.

The one exception to this rule is in the blocking in of the figure. For this work a mere drawing tablet (regulation size 9 x 12) is sufficient. But when you graduate to pen-and-ink sketching and wash drawing, only the best quality of paper and other materials should be used.

Individual preference comes into play in the selection of pencils. Some artists are quite tempermental about their pencils and insist upon a certain type for each thing. The only rule one need follow is to use the type that is easiest for you to work with. When sketching on kid or slick finish paper you may prefer a softer lead than when working on rougher paper. The advanced student will prefer a long sharp point on his pencil, but the beginner can work more freely and easily with a blunt point. Long leads are time-savers, which is an important point with the commercial artist. The writer prefers a Scripto Pencil with long leads. The important requirement of pencils is that they be long enough to keep the fingers and hand from cramping, which means that the wrist and arm should be kept free and flexible.

You will find a tilted board more convenient at the beginning to obtain correct proportions, but with practice you will learn to draw just as well on a flat board.

Art gum is the most popular eraser among commercial artists, but any type of soft eraser is all right.

Use round sable brushes for wash and water-color sketches* Good brushes are essential in wash work and will last indefinitely if kept clean and in good condition.

Always clean your materials after using, but never let them stand in water for a long period. After washing them, point them in your mouth, and if possible keep the brushes standing upside down in a glass* Never use ink in a good brush, but keep a brush for that exclusive purpose.

A dirty pen-point, by preventing a smooth flow of ink, will impair a good drawing; so be sure to wipe off the point each time after using.

Keep your triangle clean by washing it with a soft rag and drying.

The T-Square and drawing board should be kept in a dry place to prevent warping.

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